Building Materials

We often associate tools like wood and glue with arts and crafts projects, or building things like birdhouses, but believe it or not, these materials are becoming more and more popular on major construction sites.

Why? Well, there are multiple reasons. Most importantly, utilizing wood chips that are glued together is both cost effective for contractors, and more environmentally friendly.

In addition, people find it more aesthetically pleasing, and according to a recent article via, “wood construction sites generate less waste, noise, and traffic than conventional sites. And wood buildings can be erected more quickly than steel and concrete structures, keeping the projects cost-competitive.“

Believe it or not, materials like steel and concrete emit green house gases, just like our vehicles do. The same article notes that “a 2013 accounting from Ecofys, iron and steel account for nearly five percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.” While that  might not sound like a lot, it’s definitely significant in the grand scheme of things.

Here’s what our very own Matt Roblez S.E., SECB has to say about it:

“I think it is great that the engineering and architecture industry is constantly looking for new ways to use environmentally friendly materials. Fundamentally, as an engineer, along with protecting the public interest, one of our obligations is to look for new ways to improve on what we are doing.

Although I had not heard of this innovation, I am excited for the possibilities it provides for our changing business and the world at large.”

As construction technology and innovation continues to improve, it will be interesting to see if this trend sticks around. What do you think?